From September 16 to 20, a retraining course “Energy Efficient Buildings” was held at the Sanitary and Environmental Engineering, organized as part of the UKRENERGY project. The course focused on involving young teaching staff from Ukrainian partner universities in the creation of new study programs and on acquiring new teaching methods that they can implement at their home universities. 

The retraining course was attended by 24 young research and teaching staff from Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Lviv Polytechnic National University, National Transport University, Odessa National Economic University, Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology, and Lviv National Environmental University. 

UKRENERGY course 1

The professional program of the course focused on energy efficiency of buildings, energy certification, and building audits. This part of the program was led by colleagues from the Department of Building Services – Prof. Ing. Dušan Petráš, PhD., Prof. Ing. Michal Krajčík, PhD., and Ing. Anna Predajnianska, PhD. The second half of the program was provided by the Department of Environmental and Health Engineering, which focused on sustainability in construction, alternative energy sources in residential buildings, and the use of LCA analysis in construction. In addition to professional topics, we also addressed modern teaching methods and the use of artificial intelligence in the teaching and research process. 

The professional program also involved Prof. Ing. Štefan Stanko, PhD., Prof. RNDr. Ivona Škultétyová, PhD. Significant contributions to the organizational and professional preparation were made by Ing. Réka Wittmanová, PhD. And Ing. Andrea Raczoková, and our doctoral students Ing. Adam Kollár, Ing. Martin Meliška, and Ing. Raghad Awad. We would also like to thank the guest lecturers – Ms. Mgr. Daša Priedhorská, Mr. Ing. Robert Provazník, PhD., and Ing. Martin Pribil. 

UKRENERGY course 2

At the end of the event, participants received a certificate. The participants appreciated the professional content of the program, its relevance, and its contribution to their further education. The course in Bratislava was the introductory event for a one-month retraining course in Genoa, Italy, which will take place in January. 

This retraining course was already the second event of the UKRENERGY project held at the university and it significantly deepened the relations, which will contribute to more intensive cooperation in the future. 

Presentations for download